About CERM

Linkedin Profile of Md Asif Imrul

Linkedin Profile of Maria Rafique

Facebook Profile of Md Asif Imrul

Facebook Profile of Maria Rafique

Contact CERM

To Add/Update Information?

Please mail the information to mariarafique13@gmail.com. [This Convenience is only limited to Honourable Director of CERM]


The Idea of developing CERM website first came into the mind of our honourable Director and respected professor of BUET, Dr. Rowshan Mamtaz in 2018. Atto Unmesh team comprising two final year students of the same department, Md Asif Imrul and Maria Rafique, has been honoured with the opportunity to develop the website. The team has previous experience on designing BUET's own website. The development process held in five inter-linked phases. The present design has been considered as the Fifth Generation Design. The team is bound to update the announcement section, research and event page for 2 years.