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About CERM

Bangladesh is one of the densely populated countries in the world. This puts tremendous pressure on its limited resources and hence there is a dire need for an optimal and equitable resource management program that can only be effective if they are environmentally sound. Natural and man-made environmental hazards coupled with limited resources make it imperative to incorporate the environmental dimension in all development programs in Bangladesh. In addition to this, rapid industrialization and aggressive development are putting country's environment at risk. While this is promising news for the economy of the country, measures should be taken to ensure expansion of these sectors in an environment-friendly way. In order to protect the quality of the environment without jeopardizing the potential industrial and economic progress in the country, good planning and management systems are essential in addition to appropriate technological solutions. Central to this approach is the requirement of sufficient know-how and adequately trained professionals in the field of environmental management. The most important task along this line is to develop local environmental expertise and reduce reliance on expensive foreign expertise. In view of the above background, CERM was established at BUET in year 2000 to bring about significant improvements in the capability of professionals in the field of environmental management, to a meaningful level of expertise.

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