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Labor Management Plan and Occupational Health and Safety Issues

A Training of Trainers (TOT) program was conducted to prepare trainers to train Sub-Assistant Engineers, contractors/contractor representatives, and site managers at respective project sites. A comprehensive training manual was developed to equip participants with the skills to act as trainers at the field level. The training was conducted in three batches, Batch 1: November 26 - 28, 2023, Batch 2: December 9-11, 2023, Batch 3: January 23-25, 2024, comprising a total of 75 participants.

Professional Capacity Development Program on Managing Environmental and Social Risks in World Bank-Funded Projects

This three-month-long training course (February 10 - May 18, 2024), aimed to build technical and institutional capacity for managing environmental and social (ES) risks focusing on the World Bank's Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) and its ten standards (ESSs). The program included 14 weekly sessions of 3 hours each, blending theoretical insights with case studies to enhance participants' skills in ES risk assessment, regulatory compliance, and document preparation. The training program was attended by 41 participants.

Orientation course on ESF, ESSs and various documents

The training program designed for senior-level officials, including Project Directors, Deputy Project Directors, officials from various ministries, and public representatives provided the participants with the ability to effectively oversee ES documents prepared by their teams, ensuring alignment with regulatory requirements. This two-day-long training course (April 29 -30, 2024) was attended by 8 participants.

Basic Environmental and Social Framework Course

A target specific, short term training to prepare ES documents (i.e ESIA, ESMP, ESCP etc.) directly applicable to the World Bank-financed real-life projects in Bangladesh. The training equipped participants with practical skills to navigate regulatory frameworks and ensure responsible project implementation. The training was attened by 30 participants from May 2-6, 2024.

Occupational Health and Safety with a Focus on Building Construction, Road Construction and Power Sector

The training provided comprehensive insights into key aspects of workplace safety and compliance. It covered topics such as OHS concepts, legal frameworks, personal protective equipment (PPE), safe work practices, fire prevention, and site management. Participants learned safe work methods for excavation, material handling, heavy machine movement, pile foundation, formwork, and scaffolding, with an emphasis on fall prevention. 27 participants attended the training.

Geo-Enabling Initiative for Monitoring and Supervision (GEMS)

The training focused on building capacity in digital data collection and analysis to enhance the monitoring and supervision of projects. Participants were trained to effectively use tools such as ODK Collect and KoBoToolbox for designing, deploying, and analyzing surveys and monitoring frameworks. The training was conducted in two batches, Batch 1: May 21 - 23, 2024 and Batch 2: October 5-7. The training was attended by a total of 34 participants.

ES Issues in Bidding Documents

The training provided practical insights into critical aspects such as compliance with ESF criteria in bid document preparation, including International Competitive Bidding (ICB) and National Competitive Bidding (NCB) documentation. Additionally, participants were oriented on key topics such as the Contractor's Environmental and Social Management Plan (C-ESMP), Labor Management Plan (LMP), Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), and other relevant areas. 31 participants attended the program on November 26.

CERM-BUET's Grand Ceremony Marks a Milestone in Environmental and Social Risk Management

On November 4, 2023, the Center for Environmental and Resource Management (CERM) at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) hosted a prestigious Certificate Awarding Ceremony to honor the successful completion of a comprehensive professional capacity development course on 'Managing Environmental and Social Risks in World Bank Funded Projects.' This event, a collaboration between CERM-BUET and the World Bank, was a significant step in enhancing the knowledge and skills of participants, who included national consultants, environmental and social specialists, project directors, and other key stakeholders in project management. Over the course of several weeks, the program focused on various Environmental and Social Standards (ESS), emphasizing the critical role of managing environmental and social risks in project lifecycles. The ceremony welcomed distinguished guests, including Professor Dr. Satya Prasad Majumder, the Honorable Vice Chancellor of BUET, as the Chief Guest. Professor Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan served as the Special Guest, and Professor Dr. Md. Shafiul Bari as the Guest of Honor. Professor Dr. Md. Mafizur Rahman, the Director of CERM, BUET, presided over the event. The highlight of the ceremony was the certificate distribution, recognizing the dedication and commitment of the participants to promoting sustainable project management practices in line with Environmental and Social Standards (ESS). The event was made possible through the generous support of the World Bank and served as a testament to CERM's ongoing efforts to train and empower professionals for a more environmentally and socially responsible world.

Past Events

CERM aimed to develop local skills and expertise in managing the environment in a sustainable way. To provide technical support and training to industry professionals, CERM offered Professional Development Programs (PDP) for Environmental Engineers, Managers, Decision Makers, Compliance Auditors, Academicians, and other concerned officials from time to time. CERM also arranged seminars and workshops to disseminate and share knowledge, learning, and experience among industry personnel on contemporary environmental issues. For students at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, CERM arranged lectures on topics related to environmental engineering and resource management.

Professional Development Programs

March 13-14, 2018

Environmental Management System: ISO 14001

July 23-25, 2016

Environmental and Resource Management in Steel Industry

July 28-30, 2015

Management of Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP)


August 16, 2017

Pollution Control and Resource Management in Industrial Sector

March 2, 2016

BD 2050 - Energy, Emissions and Food Security Modeling Tool


December 3, 2017

Industrial Wastewater Treatment

August 16, 2016

Khulna Water Supply Project: A Case Study in Applying Modeling Tool to Deliver Benefit to Bangladesh.

December 19, 2015

Contaminated Site Remediation Techniques.


February 3, 2018

Assessment of Generation of E-Waste, Its Impacts on Environment and Resource Recovery Potential in Bangladesh.

December 2, 2017

Inclusive City: Public Toilets for Women

November 3, 2017

Seminar on UASB Technology for Treatment of Textile Industry's Wastewater